Whose Boulevard Neighborhood?

As proposals from the City have been released detailing possible changes to come at the intersection of 15th Street and East Third Avenue, current and former neighbors have started to weigh in. No one denies changes are necessary- and that the already heavy flow of traffic from Florida Road will increase in coming years as developments out there do too, necessitating consideration beyond the five or ten year mark for solutions that will suit today and last tomorrow.

Former Third Avenue resident John Glover submitted a thoughtful letter to the BNA, which was read and well-received at the Summer Gathering. We share it here with an invitation to share your thoughts via Comments below, or by submitting a letter of your own.

It takes a village to create a neighborhood. The more voices that are raised and heard will help create a Boulevard neighborhood more enjoyable for residents and visitors to our street.

Though I am not a Current resident of 3rd Avenue I was for a long time, a
long time ago. It was enough years ago that I can remember what it was
like before so many of the neighborhood values were subordinated by the
outsized emphasis placed on 3rd Avenue becoming a “thoroughfare” or
automotive transportation corridor for the City of Durango. The Residents
of 3rd Ave are experiencing/suffering the undesirable traffic consequences of all the development up Florida Road (Edgemont Ranch-100’s of homesites, to name just one growth area).

The objective should be to restore 3rd Avenue to its preeminent position of being Durango’s showpiece boulevard. Neighborhood activists should demand that commuting traffic be actively discouraged from coming through their beautiful, once serene, residential neighborhood.

Has a noise level study been done? And what are the health benefits of
reduced traffic noise, or conversely health consequences of increased
traffic noise? Has the increase in pollution levels been studied for an
increase in traffic? Pedestrian safety? Decrease in social interaction?
Other communities have studied this and the resulting consequences that I found quickly are all unhealthy. Third Avenue does have a bike lane but with no physical barrier between cyclists and the oftentimes huge SUV or pick ups that people choose makes the choice to ride a bike is not a safe option.
I would suggest:
Consider blocking altogether the option to join Florida Road from 3rd
Avenue and 15th.
Divert as much traffic to Camino Del Rio by disallowing left hand turns
on 3rd Avenue from southbound traffic of Florida Road.
Create a way for the northbound traffic on 3rd Ave to have a less
convenient way to begin “up” Florida Road.
Enhance Florida Road to 15th & 2nd Ave, as well as 14th to Camino del Rio to “full on” thoroughfares. A traffic light at 15th & Main and allowable left-hand turn at that corner ought to happen before a roundabout that gets people easily onto Third Avenue’s residential boulevard.


John Glover


Letter from Durango Transportation Director


A Bit of BNA History