Boulevard Neighborhood Association
Connecting Neighbors along Durango’s East Third Avenue, since 1984
The Boulevard Neighborhood Association (BNA) is a group of residents who come together to grow community and take action for Durango’s oldest residential neighborhood. We work to protect historic residential character, our schools, churches, and signature green amenities. We encourage civility and public safety, promote citizen participation, and educate and support neighbors in their desire to maintain quality of life within our City. We encourage you to learn more, and to join!
Since 1984… We Have a Plan!
Christmas Eve Luminaria
The 2024 Christmas Eve Luminaria once again made for a beautiful display along the Boulevard. It truly is an act of love and hard work among neighbors and volunteers, from which the greater neighborhood and community benefit. Thanks go out to event organizers Joann Hards, Jenna Kade, and Kristen Phillips. Special recognition to Block Captains Margaret and Chris Cowan, Libby and Dave Culver, Monique DiGiorgio, Ken Duncan, Carol and David Grenoble, Joann and Jim Hards, Emily Irwin, Nancy and Russ Kimble, Dana Nilsson, Mary O’Donnell and Tony Rocha, and Jill Perry. To all volunteers who assisted in the afternoon and evening- we couldn’t have done it without you: Heather and Kurt Blackwell, Jane Cobb, Vicky Coe, friends and members of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Nancy Mills, Ryan Phelps, parishoners from St. Marks Episcopal, the Wigton Family, and any others we might have failed to mention here.
PHOTO: Russ Kimble
Malfunction Junction
Plans for a roundabout at Malfunction Junction is officially on pause. Regarding the MidTown Safety and Connectivity project, the City website currently states: “Due to design constraints, cost, and public feedback, the design of the Florida, 15th, and 3rd intersection has been removed from this project scope. The separate intersection design is not currently funded and will be designed separate of this project in the future with a to be determined timeline.” Attention and energy might now be focused on the Speed Management plan, a project important to the Boulevard as well. Learn more here.
Warm Clothing Drive
Thank you to all who supported the warm clothing drive sponsored by the BNA in early December. Approximately ten bags of clothing were collected and donations were split between Christ the King Lutheran Church’s Family Program and Manna Soup Kitchen. We look forward to another clothing drive, as well as other ways the BNA can help support the community.
City Council Candidate Forum
As the BNA has in past election seasons, and as tenet of our mission to help neighbors stay informed and exercise civic responsibility- in March the BNA will host a candidate forum in the run up to the city council elections in April. Stay tuned for news of meeting place and time.
Join the BNA:
We’d love to have you!
Lifetime Member $150
Annual Member $100
Friend $50 annually
Your participation in the Boulevard Neighborhood Association helps further our mission and vision.
Lifetime or Annual Membership
Property owners on Third Avenue and within the BNA historic zone overlay are eligible for Full Membership. Members vote at annual meetings and are eligible to serve on the Board of Directors. If a Member sells their Boulevard property, membership is commuted to level of Friend.
Membership as a Friend
Residents and renters on Third Avenue (non-property owners) are eligible for Friend of the BNA Membership. Friends can participate by serving on an ad hoc committee of their interest. A residents of another Durango neighborhood may also join as Friend of the BNA.
Dues or donations are tax deductible, consult your tax preparer/ professional.
How many fairy doors have you spotted along the Boulevard?
Do you have an item of interest you want to share? Whether you live on The Boulevard or in another Durango neighborhood, your ideas and concerns matter. We also appreciate photo submissions of neighborhood life on the Boulevard. Please send in .jpg form.